
What I have done in my coding journey

Competitive Programmer

When I was in elementary school, I quickly realized that school math was note for me. I began exploring the world of math competitions, and was involved in the American Math Competitions and MOEMS in middle school.

After taking an intro to Java programming course the summer before 9th grade, I tried out competitive programming, which had close ties with the topics in competitive math that I was already experienced with. One of the most prominent competitions I was involved in was USACO (USA Coding Olympiad), which tested my knowledge on data structures and algorithms with unique contest problems under time pressure.

Google Code Next

Having joined Google's Code Next program in Sophomore year, I attended clubs and workshops taught by Google Engineers. From these clubs, I also got connected with a community of fellow high school STEM enthusiasts too. Now, I'm a software engineer fellow at Headstarter AI, ready to use all my skills to build more projects and be job-ready in the future.

Why me?

Being a competitive math and competitive programming veteran, I possess the problem-solving skills and the ability to quickly pick up any new languages and frameworks.